Mandatory signs


Rules or prohibitions may be imposed on the road by traffic signs or markings. Every road user must follow these rules or prohibitions.
Warning signs are usually placed at the location where or from where the directive must be followed, unless the signs are installed even earlier up the road to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic. In this case the distance is specified on an additional sign.

Waiting orders and stopping orders

St. Andrew's Cross
St. Andrew’s Cross This sign — even horizontal — is installed before the level crossing, and as a rule, immediately before it. Drivers must give priority to rail traffic.The halt restriction is valid up to 10 m before the sign, if covered by it. Parking is prohibited in front of and behind the St. Andrew’s Cross up to 5 m on each side in built-up areas and up to 50 meters on each side outside built-up areas. A lightning symbol in the middle of the St. Andrew’s Cross is an indication that the railway line has a high-voltage contact line. An additional sign with a black arrow indicates that the St Andrew’s Cross is only valid for road traffic in the direction of this arrow.




Give way
Give way
Approach slowly and give way to othe road users. Drivers
should not halt up to 10 m before this sign, if covered by it.
It is installed just before the intersection or junction and can be notified by the same sign, with an additional sign indicating the distance.

Halt. Give way
Halt. Give way.
You must halt and give way in any case even if no vehicle is approaching from the priority road). If a stop
line exists, you must stop in front of it. The vehicle must come to a complete standstill — at least for a moment. If there is no stop line, you must stop at the line of sight, i.e. from where the other road is visible for traffic bearing right or left.
You must not halt up to 10 m before this sign, if covered by it.

Priority to oncoming traffic
Priority to oncoming traffic Drivers must give priority to oncoming traffic
Prescribed directions of travel

Drivers must follow the prescribed driving direction — press the direction indicator, unless you are driving straight ahead. At the same time, these signs also prohibit driving in any other direction other than the specified one. One must drive only in the direction of the arrow at the next intersection or junction. Directions other than the one illustrated will be specified accordingly.

Right One must turn to the right behind the sign. Indicate the direction in time and ensure rear traffic space.

Here you must turn right
Here, one must turn in front of the sign.

Straight or right
Straight or right Driving is permitted only in these two directions. Press the direction indicator and drive in the correct lane.

Roundabout Drivers must follow the prescribed driving direction to the right at the roundabout. Stopping on the road at the roundabout is prohibited. Indicating is necessary only while leaving the roundabout and not while entering the roundabout. As a rule, the central island of the roundabout should not be crossed.

One-way street
One-way street this sign indicates the driving direction for the vehicle traffic on the road. Nevertheless, caution: Vehicles (police, fire brigade, ambulances) may still come in the opposite direction. Reversing the vehicle and turning is prohibited. One must drive on the right and overtake from the left — Exception: Trams may be overtaken from the right also. Stopping and parking is permitted in one-way streets on the right and left in the driving direction.

Prescribed passing


Passing by on the right
Passing by on the right This sign tells you that you must pass a traffic island, an obstacle, roadworks etc. on the right. If you have to pass on the left, the sign will tell you to do so in the same way. If you have to pull out you must indicate. 1 This sign does not prohibit you from turning left in this place.

hard shoulder as lanes, bus stops and taxi stands


Drive on the hard shoulder
Drive on the hard shoulder This sign allows hard shoulders to be used as traffic lanes; this is like driving in the right lane. The lane separator can be crossed like a guide marking. If this sign or one of the following signs is used for a road with more than two lanes, the signs show a corresponding number of arrows.

You may no longer drive on the hard shoulder
You may no longer drive on the hard shoulder This sign revokes the approval of the hard shoulder as a traffic lane.
Clear the hard shoulder
This sign orders the evacuation of the hard shoulder.

Bus stop, sign indicates a stop for regular transport services and school buses.
sign indicates a stop for regular transport services and school buses. They must be allowed to arrive at the stop. A stop meant only for school buses is indicated by the additional sign „School bus“. Specific periods of use may also be specified on the same sign. Passengers must not be jeopardised or even hindered at bus stops. In any case, pass by carefully and with sufficient side space, halt if necessary. In some situations, walking speed is prescribed or overtaking is prohibited (see Lesson 8 „Bus stops and tram stops“). Parking is not allowed up to 15 meters in front of and behind the sign. However, stopping is allowed.
Taxi stand
Taxi stand Drivers should not halt at taxi stands, except for operating taxis. Watch out for arriving and departing taxis . The length of a taxi stand may be indicated, e.g. by specifying the number of taxis or by a boundary mark for stopping and parking restrictions.


Special routes

Cycle routes
Cycle routes If there is a special path for cyclists, they must use that path instead of the road. As a rule, other road users should not use it. If an additional sign permits other road users to use a cycle path, they must be considerate and if necessary, adjust their speed to the bicycle traffic. Outside built-up areas moped riders can use cycle paths even in the absence of additional signs.
Bridle path
Bridle path Horseback riders and persons driving horses should not use the road, but the bridle path (Duty to use bridle path). Other road users should not use it. However, if an additional sign permits it, other road users must be considerate to the riders and if necessary, adjust their speed to that of the riders.
Pedestrian path
Pedestrian path This sign denotes a special path for pedestrians and is displayed where a clarification becomes necessary. Other road users may use the pedestrian path only if this is indicated by an additional sign.
Common walking and cycling path
Common walking and cycling path Here, cyclists and pedestrians share a special path. Cyclists should not use the road, but the common walking and cycling path (Duty to use cycle path). Other road users may use it only if this is indicated by an additional sign. In this case, other road users must adjust their speed to the pedestrian traffic.
Separate cycling and walking path
Separate cycling and walking path The duty to use the cycle path applies here also; other road users should not use this special path. If an additional sign allows other traffic, other road users must be considerate to cyclists and pedestrians and the speed must be adjusted. The pedestrian area is separated from the cycling area structurally or by markers.
Start of a pedestrian precinct
Start of a pedestrian precinct Other road users may use the pedestrian path only if this is indicated by an additional sign. In this case, vehicle drivers must be considerate to pedestrians and adjust the speed to the pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians must not be jeopardised or hindered. If necessary, drivers must wait.

Start of a pedestrian precinct
End of a pedestrian precinct 
Beginning of a cycle road Cyclists
Beginning of a cycle road Cyclists are allowed to ride side by side here. Other road users may use cycle roads only if this is indicated by an additional sign. No driver must drive faster than 30 km/h. Cyclists must not be jeopardised or hindered; if necessary, vehicle drivers must further reduce the speed. Apart from that, the rules on road use and right of way also apply. The sign does not prescribe any specific behaviour for pedestrians.
End of a cycle road
End of a cycle road


Special bus lanes
Special bus lanes. Only public transport buses and school buses are allowed on this special lane. 1 Taxis and occasional buses are allowed to use this lane, only if this is indicated by an additional sign — other road users should not use this lane.

Traffic restrictions

Traffic restrictions
Traffic restrictions Traffic restrictions prohibit road traffic partially or entirely in a road so designated. Other types of traffic may also be prohibited as shown by similar traffic signs with appropriate symbols. Two of the following prohibitions can be displayed on one sign.
Motor vehicles prohibited
Motor vehicles prohibited This means prohibited for cars, lorries and buses.
Motor vehicles over 3.5 t prohibited
Motor vehicles over 3.5 t prohibited This sign applies to motor vehicles with a permitted gross weight over 3.5 tons, including their trailers and to tractors. Passenger cars and coaches and buses are excluded.
Prohibition of bicycle traffic
Prohibition of bicycle traffic Ban on bicycle traffic. All other two-wheeled vehicles (e.g. mopeds, scooters, motorcycles) may pass through.

motorcycles prohibited
motorcycles prohibited Ban on motorcycles, including those with sidecars, mopeds and mopeds.

Prohibition for pedestrians
Prohibition for pedestrians Ban on pedestrian traffic.

Prohibition for motor vehicles
Prohibition for motor vehicles Ban on motorcycles, including those with sidecars, mopeds and mopeds, and on motor vehicles and other multi-track motor vehicles
Prohibition on motor vehicles carrying dangerous goods that are subject to compulsory registration
Prohibition on motor vehicles carrying dangerous goods that are subject to compulsory registration



Actual weight
Actual weight In the case of combinations of vehicles, the restriction applies to the individual vehicle, in the case of articulated vehicles, it applies separately to the tractor unit, including the fifth wheel load, and to the actual axle loads on the semi-trailer.

Actual axle load
Actual axle load

Actual width
Actual width

Actual height
Actual height

Actual length
Actual length

No entry
No entry This sign prohibits entry into a street or carriageway. It prohibits entry into oneway streets or carriageways for a single direction. However, vehicles may come out of this road

Snow chains are obligatory
Snow chains are obligatory The maximum speed is 50 km/h.

Prohibition for vehicles with a load hazardous to water
Prohibition for vehicles with a load hazardous to water
Start of a traffic prohibition for preventing harmful air pollution in a zone
Start of a traffic prohibition for preventing harmful air pollution in a zone. Vehicles are not permitted in a zone marked with these signs. Exceptions can be made only through .

Exemption from the traffic prohibition
Exemption from the traffic prohibition The colour of the sticker – red, yellow or green – depends on the pollutant group or the exhaust emission standard as stated in the registration certificate. Without a sticker, it is forbidden for cars, trucks and buses to enter environmental zones.

End of a traffic prohibition for preventing harmful air pollution in a zone
End of a traffic prohibition for preventing harmful air pollution in a zone

Prohibition of turning
Prohibition of turning Anyone driving a vehicle may not turn around here.

Deviating from the specified minimum distance prohibited
Deviating from the specified minimum distance prohibited This sign prohibits the driver of a motor vehicle with a permitted gross weight of over 3.5 tonnes or a tractor from deviating from the specified minimum distance to a preceding vehicle of the same type. Cars and coaches and buses are exempted from the restriction.

Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen und Überholverbote


Permissible maximum speed
Permissible maximum speed Drivers should not drive faster than the specified speed limit. If the sign allows certain speeds of more than 50 km/h in built-up areas, this applies to all types of vehicles. Outside built-up areas, speed limits remain valid for certain types of vehicles, even if a higher speed is permitted by the sign.

Start of a Tempo 30 zone
Start of a Tempo 30 zone Anyone driving a vehicle may not drive faster within this zone than the specified maximum speed.

End of a Tempo 30 zone
End of a Tempo 30 zone

Required minimum speed
Required minimum speed Anyone driving a vehicle may not drive slower than the specified minimum speed, unless road, traffic, visibility or weather conditions require it. It is forbidden to use a lane marked in this way with vehicles that cannot or may not drive at that speed.
End of the prescribed minimum speed
End of the prescribed minimum speed Here, no prescribed minimum speed applies any more. Lower speeds such as 30 km/h are permitted again.



Overtaking prohibited for all vehicles
Overtaking prohibited for all vehicles However, motorcycles without a side-car, bicycles with an auxiliary motor, trams and non-motorised vehicles may be overtaken.

Overtaking prohibited for vehicles over 3.5 tons
Overtaking prohibited for vehicles over 3.5 tons Overtaking is prohibited for vehicles with a permitted gross weight of over 3.5 tonnes, including their trailers and for tractors. Passenger cars and coaches and buses are excluded.

Prohibition of overtaking of single-track vehicles for multi-track motor vehicles and motorcycles with sidecars
Prohibition of overtaking of single-track vehicles for multi-track motor vehicles and motorcycles with sidecars

End of overtaking restriction for all vehicles
End of overtaking restriction for all vehicles

End of overtaking restriction for vehicles over 3.5 tons
End of overtaking restriction for vehicles over 3.5 tons

End of the prohibition on overtaking single-track vehicles for multi-track motor vehicles and motorcycles with sidecars
End of the prohibition on overtaking single-track vehicles for multi-track motor vehicles and motorcycles with sidecars
The end of all prohibitions on a stretch of road
The end of all prohibitions on a stretch of road Road restrictions are overtaking and speed limits.

Stopping and parking prohibitions


The stopping prohibition
The stopping prohibition indicated by the following two signs applies only to the side of the road where this sign is installed. It applies till the next intersection or junction or till another regulation is indicated by a traffic sign. Temporary stopping prohibitions by these signs are overruled by traffic signs or markings that allow parking.

Limited prohibition on stopping
Limited prohibition on stopping Drivers not stop for Limited prohibition on stopping more than an 3 minutes minutes on the road, except for boarding or alighting and for loading or unloading. Loading should however be carried out without delay.

Start of a zone
Start of a zone Anyone driving a vehicle may not stop for more than three minutes within the designated zone, except to get in or out or to load or unload. Within the designated zone, the limited stopping prohibition applies to all public traffic areas, unless otherwise regulated by traffic signs or traffic facilities. Additional signs may allow parking for residents with a parking permit or with a parking ticket or parking disc within marked areas. Additional signs may permit parking with a parking ticket or parking disc within marked areas. The parking card, the parking ticket or the parking disc must be displayed or attached in a clearly legible manner. Translated with (free version)

End of a zone This is the end of a zone with restricted stopping.
End of a zone This is the end of a zone with restricted stopping.


Pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian crossing Approach slowly and stop if necessary in order to allow pedestrians to cross the road. Do not overtake. Stopping at pedestrian crossings and up to 5 m before it is prohibited.

Stop line
Stop line In addition to stopping or waiting prohibitions by traffic signs regulating right of way, police officers, light signals or barriers, it also indicates: Drivers must stop here. If necessary, one must stop again at the line of sight.

Lane borderline
Lane borderline  The lane borderline separates the part of the road reserved for oncoming traffic or several lanes for equidirectional traffic from one another. It can also have a double line for separating the oncoming traffic. Drivers should not cross the straight line even partially.

One-sided lane borderline
One-sided lane borderline For drivers in lane A: They should not cross the straight line or drive on it. Parking on the road is allowed only if there is a lane of at least 3 m between the parked vehicle and the straight line. For drivers in lane B, the marking indicates: They may cross the marking, if traffic is not jeopardised due to this

Arrow marks
Arrow marks Arrows recommend the driver to fall in place in good time and drive side by side in the lanes. Vehicles that are in place can also be overtaken from the right. If guide markings or lane borderlines are marked between the arrows, the driver must follow the driving direction at the next intersection/junction. The halt prohibition applies on the road marked with arrows.

Announcement arrows
Announcement arrows The announcement arrow indicates a lane borderline or the end of a lane. The outline of the arrow might differ from the one shown here.

Blocked off areas
Blocked off areas Blocked off areas must not be used by vehicles.

Demarcation for stopping or parking prohibitions
Demarcation for stopping or parking prohibitions Demarcations for stopping or parking prohibitions indicate, extend or shorten the prescribed stopping or parking prohibitions. For example, parking within the demarcation shown here is not allowed.
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