Advisory signs provide special information to facilitate a smooth flow of traffic. They may also include rules or prohibitions that are to be followed.
Directive signs are generally placed where or from where the directive is to be followed, unless the signs are installed even earlier to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic. Then the distance is specified on an additional sign.
Give way signs
Priority The sign gives you priority only at the next crossroads or junction
Priority roadThis sign indicates that right of way applies till the next sign „Give way“ or „Halt. Give way“ or „End of the priority road“.
the course of a priority road It is an additional sign . Drivers who wish to follow the course of the priority road’s direction must indicate this in good time and clearly; direction indicators must be used for this. Special consideration must be given to pedestrians. If necessary, drivers must wait
The end of a priority road
Priority over oncoming trafficThe traffic travelling in the direction of the white arrow has priority. Oncoming traffic must wait
Place-name sign
Place-name sign(front) This place-name sign indicates: A built-up locality begins here. From here onwards, the existing regulations for traffic within built-up areas apply, e.g. • The speed limit is 50 km/h • Your intention to overtake may not be indicated by flashing your headlights or blowing your horn • When it is dark you may use your parking lamp for parking in the locality • Free choice of lanes for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes maximum permitted gross vehicle weight.
Place-name sign (back) This place-name sign indicates: A built-up locality ends here. 1 All restrictions imposed or permissions granted by the „front of the place-name sign“ are cancelled. From here onwards, the existing regulations for traffic outside built-up areas apply, e.g. maximum permitted speed 100 km/h.
ParkingThis sign allows you to park. The beginning of the place where it is permitted to park may be indicated by a horizontal white arrow on the sign and the end by an arrow pointing in the other direction.
Beginning of a parking zoneParking within this zone is allowed only with a parking ticket or a parking disc. The additional sign indicates the type of parking restriction. Thus, residents having a parking permit may be exempted from the requirement of parking with a parking ticket or parking disc. The parking permission applies only if the parking voucher, parking disc or parking permit is displayed in a clearly visible manner.
End of a parking zone
Parking on pavementsThis sign allows vehicles with a permitted gross vehicle weight of up to 2.8 tonnes to park on walking paths. It is shown pictorially, how to position the vehicles.
The parking discis used when it is specified how many hours are required to park. You have to display the parking disc in a clearly visible manner!
Traffic-calmed area
Beginning of a traffic-calmed area The following rules apply: • Vehicles may only travel at walking pace • Drivers of vehicles may not endanger or obstruct pedestrians. They must wait if necessary • Pedestrians may not unnecessarily obstruct vehicle traffic • Parking is only permitted inside the designated areas (except for alighting and boarding, loading and unloading) • Pay attention to playing children as children’s games are allowed everywhere.
End of a traffic-calmed areaWhen you are exiting from a zone such as this other road users have priority
Tunnel This sign stands at each tunnel entrance. Dipped headlights must be used while passing through the tunnel; turning is prohibited. In case of emergency or breakdown, only the existing emergency bays and breakdown bays should be used.
Emergency stop and breakdown lay-by This may only be used in the event of an emergency or vehicle breakdown.
Highway and clearway
Autobahn You will see this sign at the approaches to the entrances. As from here the rules of the autobahn apply (see Lesson 4 „Autobahns and clearways“)
End of the Autobahn
Clearway You will see this sign at the beginning of a clearway and at each crossroads and junction on it. From this sign onwards, the traffic rules for motor roads are valid. Only vehicles that can travel faster than 60 km/h as determined by the maximum speed of the model may use this road.
Exit from the Autobahn On motor roads or clearways, the corresponding sign with black lettering on yellow background indicates the exit. This sign may also be depicted on a white background
Countdown markersThis sign stands 300 m, 200 m (as shown) and 100 m before an Autobahn junction (Autobahn exit, crossing or triangle). At the 300 m signal, the number of the junction is displayed.
Guide marking You may cross these lines as long as you do not present any danger to the traffic
Waiting line Recommends that the driver of the vehicle that has to wait should wait here
shark teeth
Indication signs
Zebra crossing The sign can be found immediately at the marking
Bicycle expressway
End of the bicycle expressway
Area for the protection of ground water Warning to be particularly careful when transporting substances that are hazardous to the water.
Traffic assistant Moving traffic can be stopped to make it easy for children
Dead-end street In the upper part of the traffic sign, the permeability of the dead-end street can be indicated by pictograms for cyclists and/or pedestrians
First aid station
Place information boards
Tourist attraction This sign is located outside Autobahns. It points to important tourist destinations and can also be used as a guide.
Tourist routes This sign is also located outside Autobahns. It is used to mark the passage of a tourist route. It can also be used as a guide.
Tourist information boards This sign is located at the Autobahn. It provides information about important tourist destinations.
Toll requirement in accordance with Freeway Toll Law
Toll route
Information board at national borders
Lamp ring This sign indicates lamps in built-up areas that do not glow all night. The time when the lamp goes out may be specified in white letters in the red box.
Federal roads
Autobahns (Highways)
Intersections of highways Numbers the highway junctions such as highway exits, crossings and triangles.
Europe roads
The advance notice sign indicates the direction as well as the number of lanes in each direction.
These advance notice signs show the way to the Autobahn (Düsseldorf, Cologne) and the main road (Langenfeld).
On federal roads (Bundesstraße)
On other roads
On other roads with low traffic volume
To the autobahn
To destinations with significant traffic volume
Table map The table map may be summarized on a board. The destination information in one direction can also be shown on separate boards.
Exit board Exit from the motor road or a clearway.
Street name sign
Initial approach sign This sign points to an Autobahn exit. The number (26) specifies the number of the Autobahn exit. It facilitates better orientation. 1 Using appropriate symbols, an Autobahn crossing or a junction (with the serial number of the crossing or junction of the recently travelled Autobahn) can also be indicated.
AutohofThis sign indicates an Autohof (truck stop) close to an Autobahn exit. The scope of services of the Autohof can be displayed on an additional sign using graphic symbols. The serial number of the Autobahn exit (27) facilitates orientation.
Advance direction sign
Exit from the autobahn
Sign showing distances The distance board shows distant destinations and the distance to the respective town/city centre. Destinations that can be reached through an Autobahn other than the recently travelled one are indicated below the horizontal line.
Diversion signage
Diversions for specific types of vehicles
Arrow signposts for certain types of traffic
Signposts for certain types of traffic
Diversion guide
Continuation of the diversion If only certain types of traffic are diverted, this is indicated on an additional sign above the sign.
Diversion notice This is used to indicate the temporary diversion, however, only with the distance information on an additional sign and if necessary, by specifying the destination on a board above the sign.
Sketch plan This can also act as an indication
End of a diversion
End of a diversion
Diversion for autobahn traffic when required This sign indicates an alternative route on the subsidiary road network between Autobahn junctions and leads the drivers back to the Autobahn.
Other alternative routes If the redirected traffic at the proposed junction cannot be returned to the Autobahn yet, it is led to the next alternative route by this sign.
Other traffic management
Diversion arrowThis sign identifies alternative routes to Autobahns and clearways whose use is recommended if necessary.
This sign indicates the end of a recommended route
Transfer board This sign indicates the diversion of traffic to the opposite lane.
Narrowing Sign At narrowing signs, an additional sign is used to indicate where the lane must be changed according to the zipper feed-in method.
Block by-pass Notifies traffic routing prescribed by the „Prescribed driving direction“ sign.
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